Reclaim your debt denial
Turning your debt denial into debt freedom
It's time to stop procrastinating about your debt.
There I've said it procrastinating.
I know that you do it, because I did it. For 5 years. I was the master at it. But now, my debt denial doesn't master me.And I want the same for you.
I understand that it can seem impossible and too hard. But this is all about taking those baby steps. Baby consistent steps.
In this audio course we will take you to the foundations of your new debt freedom date. Not the debt freedom date that is over 5 years away that the credit card/loan companies give you. But the one that you set yourself. It is entirely possible for you to do and you can do it in less than 60 minutes.
You ready? Your new debt freedom date is calling you.
Your Instructor
Michelle Gyimah is a woman who has had to face up to her money demons. Big time. As a mother, side hustle entrepeneur and full time employee she has had her fair share of nerve-wracking conversations and decision making moments around money and debt.
Along the way she has learnt (through trial and error), just what it takes to finally release debt and get comfortable around money.
Her journey however is not done, but she is pasionate about sharing her tips and experiences with other women on similar journeys. Her mission is to empower women to take control of their finances and ultimately change their life choices for good.